Where all the good guys are

Where all the good guys are -- Women always seem to ask me where all the good men are, as if these near-mythical dudes are hiding behind bushes, chained up in some vampire's basement, or are just rare and elusive, like the snow leopard.Normally, I have to resist responding, "Maybe the good guys are just avoiding you."But the answer to this frequent, lovelorn lament is simple: The good men are right under your nose.And that's the damn truth. That's right, ladies. The good men you pine for are right...

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Menarik ketika ada keinginan dan gairah untuk menuliskan lagi apa yang hanya sekadar ingin disampaikan, tanpa harus berada di pihak golongan apa dan kubu apapun itu. Seiring dengan semakin menyodot perhatian publik di detik-detik perhelatan pesta demokrasi tingkat daerah, bahkan di salah satu daerah ada yang disebut pilkada rasa pilpres, seiring turun gunungnya para nahkoda yang paling punya peran dan berpengaruh di negara ini. Oke, sudahlah! Biarkan orang-orang terus berdemokrasi, dengan tetap...


Kenapa mengandung anak luar nikah lebih mudah dalam bersalin?

Di zaman yang serba modern saat ini ternyata fenomena wanita yang hamildiluar nikah bisa kita temui hampir di mana mana. Astagfirullah. hal ini terjadi akibat bebasnya pergaulan anak muda seta prilaku seks bebas yang mereka terapkan, dan akibatnya banyak wanita yang hamil tanpa tahu siapa bapak dari anak yang ia kandung. Nah anehnya lagi biasa wanita yang sudah hamil diluar nikah ini jika melahirkan atau bersalin selalu mudah lihat saja di berita berita yang mengabarkan jika ada orang yang melahirkan...

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What Do You See On This Woman's Shirt?

As wardrobe malfunctions go, this one from Australian news anchor Natarsha Belling is unlikely to be forgotten in a hurry. The Network Ten reporter took to the airwaves to present the channel’s current affair show Eyewitness News over the weekend, wearing this fetching green jacket over her black top. Except the garment didn’t take long to bring out the childish sense of humour in many of those watching as they noticed its – how shall we put this politely? – somewhat phallic neckline. It all...

READ MORE - What Do You See On This Woman's Shirt?

Whitney Houston's mother has words for Bobby Brown

Whitney Houston's mother has words for Bobby Brown — Cissy Houston has a few words, and a few more, for Bobby Brown. In "Remembering Whitney," the mother of the late Whitney Houston writes that from the start she had doubted whether Brown was right for her daughter. And she thinks that Whitney might not have ended up so "deep" into drugs had they not stayed together. "I do believe her life would have turned out differently," Houston writes. "It would have been easier for her to get sober...

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9 Lessons The Tech World Learned In 2012

LESSON 1: Tweet in haste, repent at leisure Who would have thought that an elderly Tory peer would become a leading innovator in internet law? Yet that is what Lord McAlpine has become. It's not clear whether it was him or his lawyers who came up with the idea of going after the UK Twitter users who tweeted – or retweeted – false allegations that he had been involved in child abuse, but, whoever was responsible, the fact is that it has changed the legal landscape in the UK. The smart move...

READ MORE - 9 Lessons The Tech World Learned In 2012

Ernie Els comes from six shots back to win British Open in dramatic fashion

Ernie Els comes from six shots back to win British Open in dramatic fashion - It didn't seem likely at the start of the day. Six shots back of Adam Scott when he teed off on Sunday afternoon, Ernie Els' chances of taking home his fourth major championship were slim. The way Scott was playing coming into the final round, hitting picture-perfect approach shots and rolling in key putts, Els knew the only way he was walking away with the Claret Jug was with a brilliant round ... and a little bit of...

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Whitney’s Protective ‘Baby Girl’

Whitney’s Protective ‘Baby Girl’ - As close friends and family begin to absorb the news of the death of Whitney Houston, many are taking time to reflect on the last few years of a career and life they had a chance to share with the superstar—and its abrupt end.While Houston had recently stepped away from the spotlight she dominated for so many years, her longtime hairstylist and good friend Ellin LaVar says the star remained firmly focused on two important goals in her life—keeping her marriage...

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Warm and Furry, but They Pack a Toxic Punch

Warm and Furry, but They Pack a Toxic Punch - What’s black and white, with a skunkish look to its cover, And from bark wrests such bite it makes lions fall over?Meet the African crested rat, or Lophiomys imhausi, a creature so large, flamboyantly furred and thickly helmeted it hardly seems a member of the international rat consortium. Yet it is indeed a rat, a deadly dirty rat, its superspecialized pelt permeated with potent toxins harvested from trees.As a recent report in the journal Proceedings...

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Kate Middleton's Mustique Vacation Is Royal Pain for Other Guests

Kate Middleton's Mustique Vacation Is Royal Pain for Other Guests - While Kate Middleton and her family enjoy a luxurious vacation holed up in a $23,000 per week mansion on the Caribbean island of Mustique, the rest of the island is on near lockdown, upsetting tourists and locals.The Mustique Company, which owns the Caribbean getaway, is restricting the movements of other guests to protect the Middletons' privacy, the Daily Mail reports.Tourists have reportedly been banned from using the rented...

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6 Good Reasons To Tell Your Children Bald-Faced Lies

6 Good Reasons To Tell Your Children Bald-Faced Lies - Lies We Tell Our Children - I am a liar. I lie daily to my children, if not two or three times a day. Some of these lies are mere bluffs. Imagine my lovely four-year-old refusing to brush her teeth before bed. Frustrated, I tell her that if she isn't polishing her pearly whites by the time I count to three, she's in time out. Actually, there is no way I am going to prolong the bedtime routine another five-minutes while she loudly moans behind...

READ MORE - 6 Good Reasons To Tell Your Children Bald-Faced Lies

Drinking when pregnant - Is it safe?

Drinking when pregnant - Is it safe? - You're three months pregnant and barely showing a bump, when someone pours you half a glass of wine at the restaurant. Why deny yourself?But look at it this way: If you drink when pregnant, then the unborn baby drinks too. Alcohol quickly enters your bloodstream and crosses into that of the baby via the placenta. But babies are slower at processing alcohol than adults, and so are exposed to its effects for longer.In view of September 9th, which is Foetal Alcohol...

READ MORE - Drinking when pregnant - Is it safe?