Vertical Resolutions. What if, instead of mainly aiming to move forward this year, you wrote a list of resolutions that move you “up?”
As we move forward through time, nose and toes pointing straight ahead, we see what we want and we go for it. Advancing, advancing, advancing.
As we press on, step after step, year after year, lifetime after lifetime, one shocking and irrefutable truth shines through all our goals, plans, longings and resolutions causing us to pause and reflect.
That transformational truth, when deeply considered, can cause you a change in direction. The shift is so profound that it will benefit you for lifetimes to come. Paradoxically, that truth, which can so alter your vast and distant future, is that there is no future. No matter how much you progress, it is still always now. While the future lives somewhere out ahead of you, unknowable, unreal and untrue, the now is ever present.
Umbrella Resolutions. If you need help accessing the consciousness of the now, get an umbrella. Your upright open umbrella diagrams the now for you. It is made out of one vertical marker with a circle drawn around it indicating the space of your awareness.
Would you like to join me this year in setting vertical resolutions? Here is the key: We designate the area of our intentions as the space under our umbrella. Does that feel too limiting to you? Think about it. The space under your umbrella, the region of your now, your current vibratory signature, is the only aspect of this enormous universe that you have any control over. And it is enough. It is your portal to all your true power.
This mystical now-umbrella, that you can easily imagine, is analogous to the consciousness that Moses used to part the Red Sea and that Jesus used to heal the sick. It is also yours to claim to transform your life. Anything that does not fit under that umbrella is irrelevant. And right there with you in that small space is the awesome and infinite mystery of the now.
Karma Resolutions. The path of Karma Yoga coaches us to serve God wherever we are and however we can with no attachment to the fruits of our labors. This is a plan that perfectly fits under the umbrella. It gives us clarity and a stable orientation for meeting whatever might arise in our now. It also has a built in release valve for anything that is outside of the circle of our now awareness (the anticipated future fruit.)
If you decide to join me in setting vertical intentions this year, this is where it begins. The basis of our vertical resolution is service. If you approach this correctly, you feel its instant and undeniable effect. First comes a wave of relief, then a sensation of freedom.
The Intention to Let Go. Freedom results from letting go of trying to control things that you cannot control. Then something funny happens. You realize that even your idea about service was pulling you outside of the circle of your umbrella. Soon it becomes clear that the best mode of service that fits within your now every time is simply being joyful. You serve others by being the bright light of your unique joy.
Watch Gene Kelly in his famous Singin’ in the Rain scene. At the time of this writing it is posted on YouTube. It perfectly illustrates the spirit of the vertical intention. And you will see that after a while you don’t even need the umbrella anymore. Your now becomes so dominant in your awareness that you start to dance.
The Intention to Smile Without Warning. More specific vertical intentions involve your relationship with what I like to call the “up force.” You can easily set a resolution to open yourself to the uplift of joy whenever you can access it. It lifts the corners of your mouth in a smile. It puts spring in your step. It lifts your spirits. You can get very specific about how you want to amplify the uplifting presence of the vertical in your awareness.
Radical Resolutions. Beginning your year with vertical resolutions can radically shift the course of your life. The release of tension can actually cause you to have more energy, vitality and enthusiasm. The elimination of overwhelm can make you more productive, successful and prosperous. You will still move forward and by tending to your now each step of the way, your life becomes lush and enjoyable, regardless of circumstances ( )
As we move forward through time, nose and toes pointing straight ahead, we see what we want and we go for it. Advancing, advancing, advancing.
As we press on, step after step, year after year, lifetime after lifetime, one shocking and irrefutable truth shines through all our goals, plans, longings and resolutions causing us to pause and reflect.
That transformational truth, when deeply considered, can cause you a change in direction. The shift is so profound that it will benefit you for lifetimes to come. Paradoxically, that truth, which can so alter your vast and distant future, is that there is no future. No matter how much you progress, it is still always now. While the future lives somewhere out ahead of you, unknowable, unreal and untrue, the now is ever present.
Umbrella Resolutions. If you need help accessing the consciousness of the now, get an umbrella. Your upright open umbrella diagrams the now for you. It is made out of one vertical marker with a circle drawn around it indicating the space of your awareness.
Would you like to join me this year in setting vertical resolutions? Here is the key: We designate the area of our intentions as the space under our umbrella. Does that feel too limiting to you? Think about it. The space under your umbrella, the region of your now, your current vibratory signature, is the only aspect of this enormous universe that you have any control over. And it is enough. It is your portal to all your true power.
This mystical now-umbrella, that you can easily imagine, is analogous to the consciousness that Moses used to part the Red Sea and that Jesus used to heal the sick. It is also yours to claim to transform your life. Anything that does not fit under that umbrella is irrelevant. And right there with you in that small space is the awesome and infinite mystery of the now.
Karma Resolutions. The path of Karma Yoga coaches us to serve God wherever we are and however we can with no attachment to the fruits of our labors. This is a plan that perfectly fits under the umbrella. It gives us clarity and a stable orientation for meeting whatever might arise in our now. It also has a built in release valve for anything that is outside of the circle of our now awareness (the anticipated future fruit.)
If you decide to join me in setting vertical intentions this year, this is where it begins. The basis of our vertical resolution is service. If you approach this correctly, you feel its instant and undeniable effect. First comes a wave of relief, then a sensation of freedom.
The Intention to Let Go. Freedom results from letting go of trying to control things that you cannot control. Then something funny happens. You realize that even your idea about service was pulling you outside of the circle of your umbrella. Soon it becomes clear that the best mode of service that fits within your now every time is simply being joyful. You serve others by being the bright light of your unique joy.
Watch Gene Kelly in his famous Singin’ in the Rain scene. At the time of this writing it is posted on YouTube. It perfectly illustrates the spirit of the vertical intention. And you will see that after a while you don’t even need the umbrella anymore. Your now becomes so dominant in your awareness that you start to dance.
The Intention to Smile Without Warning. More specific vertical intentions involve your relationship with what I like to call the “up force.” You can easily set a resolution to open yourself to the uplift of joy whenever you can access it. It lifts the corners of your mouth in a smile. It puts spring in your step. It lifts your spirits. You can get very specific about how you want to amplify the uplifting presence of the vertical in your awareness.
Radical Resolutions. Beginning your year with vertical resolutions can radically shift the course of your life. The release of tension can actually cause you to have more energy, vitality and enthusiasm. The elimination of overwhelm can make you more productive, successful and prosperous. You will still move forward and by tending to your now each step of the way, your life becomes lush and enjoyable, regardless of circumstances ( )
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