Vatican Slams 'Avatar'

Vatican Slams 'Avatar'. The second largest box office grossing film, Avatar, is now being criticized by the Vatican. Other critics, including conservative bloggers have claimed that the film is "anti-militaristic" in nature.

Some, considered liberal in thinking, have argued that the film is racist in nature. (I'm not sure where that argument comes from.) At any rate, this latest condemnation from the Vatican is sure to raise the box office gross, and get more publicity for the film. Now that the Vatican has weighed in, I'll have to go see the movie to make up my own mind.

Pope and Avatar

"Avatar" is wooing audiences worldwide with visually dazzling landscapes and nature-loving blue creatures. But the Vatican is no easy crowd to please.

The Vatican newspaper and radio station are criticizing James Cameron's 3-D blockbuster for flirting with the idea that worship of nature can replace religion – a notion the pope has warned against. They call the movie a simplistic and sappy tale, despite its awe-inspiring special effects.

"Not much behind the images" was how the Vatican newspaper, L'Osservatore Romano, summed it up in a headline.

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