Seriously? What is Paris Hilton doing in the Middle East?

Seriously? What is Paris Hilton doing in the Middle East? - As if we haven’t suffered enough from Paris Hilton overload in the United States ... she’s going international. Brace yourselves.

According to news sources, Paris Hilton plans to make her show, ”My New BFF,” (that’s “Best Friends Fo-Eva") into a global franchise, next stop Dubai. Michael Hirschorn, the show’s producer, said that the show would take three weeks to film and the finale would be held in Los Angeles. At the show’s press launch, Hilton wore traditional Arab clothing, jewelry and even busted out with, “Asalamulaikum.”

The point of the show is for Hilton to “collect” ... yes ... collect a series of best friends from throughout the globe. Sound like a Brangelina scheme gone bad? Rest assured, given the natural cultural differences, so far Hilton has promised to be respectful. We know that because she was quoted as saying, “I just want to respect everyone here.” Keep in mind, this is the same girl who just last year called West Africa a “great country”. But fair enough.

Dubai is an interesting place to continue her expansion. The city, for the past 20 years, has marketed itself as a luxury brand hub, so it would make sense for the heiress to be interested in appealing to this market.

Even though the heiress is known for keeping friends around just for her own entertainment, hopefully her usual point-and-laugh method of friendship won’t offend anyone in the Middle East. She did say that the show will not include any of its usual drinking and swearing, often seen in the American/British version.

She is trying hard in her efforts on the world culture front. But how long before we see the real crass, hard-partying heiress appear? ( ).


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