Do you give into that cute face?

Do you give into that cute face? - Picture this. You are fuming and screaming at the top of your lungs and while doing so, you happen to spare a glance at your partner, apparently the subject of your ire, is busy making funny faces. Such an indifferent though cute and funny gesture might add fuel to the fire thereby, making your blood boil even more in the beginning.

But a few moments later, you will give into that cute face that would cool you down and bring a smile on your face. And the anger will vanish and you will be back to normal. This is big enough a lesson to teach you that anger is not contructive but destructive and might simply worsen the situation. Getting angry irrespective of the gravity of the issue is just not worth it. Come to think of it, why would you fight with someone who means the world to you? And it is in his arms that you feel relaxed and secure and he is the one who protects you from the bad world outside. Would you fight and bring the roof down with the one who is your soul mate and has been your saviour all the time?

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Businessman Sameer Sinha, who hates ugly spats, mood swings and foul temper seconds this and says, "When my wife gets angry, I do all the possible things to calm her down. I too get angry, but it does not last for long. I try to bring a smile on her face by just being a good and helping husband. I do everything she would want me to do like helping her with the daily chores. Being the woman of the house, she expects it to be clean and tidy and I try to do my bit by keeping my things at their assigned places thereby lifting a little burden off her shoulders. And voila, she adores this good boy avatar of mine. This does the trick and calms her instantly and that's how I nip the issue right in its bud even before it can escalate into an ugly spat."

Anger, frustration and irritation evaporate into thin air, when you sincerely thrive to bring the relationship back to normalcy. After all, why drag fights when you see no reasonable end to it? Kavita Sharma, an IT professional says, "My husband and I fight for frivolous reasons. We must have fought for the same reason over a 100 times before and derived that there is no solution to it. So now when he gets angry, I pick up his favourite instrument and start playing it and sing a classic Bollywood number. It instantly lightens the whole mood and brings happy times back!"

When you have to cajole your partner, one thing that works the best is 'stupidity'. Yes, it may sound weird, but stupidity can do things that sanity cannot. This very much explains the fact that children always get away scot free with all their mistakes. Ask freelance photographer Manavi Bhatia, and she explains, "My husband makes weird faces whenever he is angry. So, what I do is, I show him a mirror and start imitating his expressions. That usually works. More so, because it's a very stupid gesture and also because it's actually funny." But Arpit Battacharya, a marketing professional, warns that stupidity can sometimes have the opposite effect too. He says, "When my wife gets angry I joked and laughed, thinking it would make her smile too. But, unfortunately, it simply got her wilder. It's not always that you can fool around. Sometimes, you need to understand the reason behind the other person's anger and act accordingly."

All's well that ends well. And how to end it well is something, you need to work on. If going crazy and laughing out loud is the solution, then go for it or else we advise you to watch the storm and thunder pass quietly!

Says psychiatrist Anjali Chhabria, "I think it solely depends on the mood of your spouse. If the matter is light and your partner is angry, you can dissolve the fight by resorting to such measures. But such an attempt is a big no-no if your husband is trying to have a serious discussion which can lead to an argument. If at all you try to make those funny faces during the serious conversation, you might earn disrespect from him and it might only escalate the argument. It will further add to his anger. However, for petty squabbles, humour is the best means to dissolve the tension. But in cases where the situation is serious, one must start with a healthy communication followed by humour to dissolve the issues." ( )


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