The Desperate Parent's Guide for Summer Boredom

The Desperate Parent's Guide for Summer Boredom - Summer has really just begun, little league baseball is over, vacation is still three weeks away, and the kids are bored. The heat is becoming oppressive; and inside, boredom leads to irritability, whining, and fighting.

Nothing drives a parent up the wall faster than a whiny, bored kid. We don't always have the time to prepare and supervise elaborate projects. When everyone is tired and bored, parents need something engaging with a minimum of preparation and fuss. So, keep these quick ideas handy and have a little fun on a boring summer afternoon.

Make homemade ice cream This is amazingly simple for such a special treat. You can get a freezer for about $20. I make an easy recipe that is low-fat and requires very little preparation time. Pick up a bag of ice, rock salt, a gallon of low-fat milk, and a can of non-fat Eagle Brand. Let your child mix the Eagle Brand, 1 and 1/2 cups of sugar, 1/8 t salt, and tablespoon of vanilla extract with about two cups of milk. Stir until the sugar has dissolved, then pour into the freezer. Add more milk to the fill line, load it up with ice and rock salt, and let it run for about 40 minutes. Kids can prepare toppings that they like.

Watermelon and Sprinkler Watermelons are so sticky and messy in the house. Instead, just cut a whole watermelon into enough pieces for your kids and their friends, then send them outside and turn on the sprinkler. You don't even have to watch it, just let them loose to get as sticky and wet as they want.

TV/Web Project Find an educational but interesting TV program for the family to watch together, then research the topic on the Web. You'll find some great ideas for this project at these Family TV web sites.

Think "Fort" You know how much you loved it when you were a kid. Use sheets, blankets, or comforters over tables and chairs. Put a lamp, pillow, books, games, and snacks in the "tent". A giant appliance box is the perfect fort, of course, but it's a bit harder to find appliance boxes these days. Visit a nearby furniture store with your kids in tow. Bet they'll find one for you quickly. If you have access to some lumber scraps, older and younger kids will work together to build a treehouse.

Go to the Library Plan on staying for a while. Your kids can play on the computer, you might find a new software program that you want for home. Check out a variety of books, audio, and video tapes to entertain the children for several days.

Go to the Mall I did say desperate, didn't I? Not very original but during the next few weeks you will find lots of sales, so get a jump on shopping for school clothes. This is more fun if you just take one child as a special treat or reward. ( )


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