How To Have Happiness and Abundance in Marriage

How To Have Happiness and Abundance in Marriage. Many couples don’t realize how they are slowly pulling themselves away from each other mentally, emotionally, and physically because of the separate lives they lead. The husband is doing his own thing, and not thinking about his wife’s feelings, and the wife is doing her own thing, not thinking about her husband’s feelings. This kind of marriage has its priorities confused.

Priorities in many marriages are backwards. What should be priority number one is on the bottom of the list and what’s on the top of the list should be on the bottom. This is exactly why infidelities and other marriage issues happen. Couples don’t realize where they are taking their marriage when priorities are not aligned properly. In a typical marriage husband puts himself above God. He doesn’t mean to do this, but he does not have a firm grasp or understanding of how to direct his marriage.

If a husband thinks he is at the top of the priority list then who is he accountable to? Himself? Who is he responsible to? If a man lives his life as a “one man show”, without responsibility to his wife, family, or marriage, there will be problems! This man will never be fulfilled and happy in life because he has no purpose. He does not understand the importance of marriage. He does not understand that he could be the king in his own home by making his wife his queen.

The wife’s priorities are backwards too. She is not putting God first in her life, and therefore she lives her own life under her own understanding. Who is she accountable to? Who is she responsible to? If a wife lives her life as a “one woman show”, without responsibilities to husband, and family she will never be happy in her relationships or fulfilled as a woman, no matter who she is married to.

How can I say these things with such conviction? At one time in my life I did not put God first in my life and everything around me deteriorated. You see, God has a plan for you. His plan is for you to succeed in everything that you do. Yes, in everything that you do! But there is a stipulation – you must put God first in your life then He will give you happiness and abundance.

The fact is God created marriage to be a partnership between a man and a woman – they are team players working together for the benefit of the marriage and family. Is this how your marriage is? Who are you accountable to? Some couples don’t think they are accountable to anyone, not even their spouse. Is that why some spouses have affairs?

In the marriage that God designed, a husband is to be accountable to God first and then to his wife. That means a husband has responsibilities to his wife to take care of her, and to love her, even when he doesn’t feel like it. This is the most important purpose you will ever have in life. God wants you to take care of your responsibilities wisely, and then there will be blessings.

Wife, you are accountable to God and to your husband also. You have a responsibility to support and to respect you husband. This is what God created you for. God created the union of marriage to work best when both husband and wife KNOW what their duties and responsibilities are to each other.

Marriage is not about going your separate ways like marriages do today. Wife has her career and friends and husband has his career and friends. Wife has her endeavors that she embarks on and husband has his. Is this a marriage of one flesh or is this two people living separate lives?

Marriage is about building each other up in the Lord and creating abundance and happiness for yourselves and family. It is about happiness, love, and abundance. Do you have that in your marriage? Why or why not? What can you do to bring abundance into your marriage?

Society has taken marriage and turned it upside down. The intention of “loving each other for life” is a nice thought, but if couples aren’t really committed to working together and helping each other be all that they can be, then they are probably going to have an unhappy marriage. It’s all about priorities, priorities, priorities. If a husband is putting himself above his wife then that is being selfish. If a wife is putting herself above her husband then that is being selfish.

What does all this mean? Well, next time you feel like doing something outside the bounds of your marriage, as a separate individual from the marriage, remember you are married and have responsibilities in your marriage. Check your priority list and see if your behavior is the proper thing to do. Will your actions be beneficial to the marriage or harmful to the marriage? We should be accountable and responsible to God first and then to our marriage. ( )


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