Finally, an apology to the last two boys forcibly sent to live in Australia 39 years ago

Finally, an apology to the last two boys forcibly sent to live in Australia 39 years ago. Until the the practice was banned in the 1960s, more than 130,000 British children were sent to Australia to start new lives without their parents.

These two young boys were the last to go.

Three years after the practice was made illegal, 11-year-old Rex Wade and his little brother Kevin were dispatched to the other side of the world.

Rex Wade and brother Kevin

Childhood tragedy: Rex Wade, right, then five, with brother Kevin

Arriving in Tasmania, Rex was put to work, endured regular beatings and was ultimately imprisoned for trying to escape.

When he was eventually freed from an offenders' institution at the age of 26, he sold all his possessions to buy a ticket home.

Now, aged 51, he has finally received an apology from the authorities that sent him away.

Mr Wade told how he and Kevin, then nine, were taken from their mother after the death of their father by Cornwall council officials and flown to Australia in December 1970.

Mr Wade who now lives near Newquay, Cornwall, said: 'I was put on a plane with my little brother and a suitcase each.

'I never saw my mother again. We had no idea what was happening to us and why we were going away. We ended up in a care home, regularly receiving punishments and beatings.

Rex Wade

Rex Wade: 'Our lives were ruined'

'The whole experience ruined my life. We were treated like slaves. It was wrong and should never have happened.' More than 130,000 poor and orphaned British children were sent to Australia to be used as child labour before the practice was outlawed in 1967.

The Child Migrants Programme saw thousands of children sent with Government approval by church organisations and charities to Commonwealth countries.

From the 1930s, Britain transported children as young as three to farm schools in Australia, Canada, New Zealand and Canada.

They were classed as orphans but most of them were just from poor families or born to unmarried mothers.

Once abroad, they were frequently used as cheap labour or became the victims of physical or sexual abuse.

The Wade brothers faced daily beatings from the couple who ran the care home.

After selling his few possessions to buy a one-way ticket back to England, Rex Wade married his wife Annie, now 54, but has battled alcoholism all his life.

He said: 'The care home was brutal - if the grass wasn't cut in a certain way you'd be punished for it and he'd throw things at you like a stone or a shovel until it was done right.'

Kevin Wade joined the Navy after he left the home in the 1980s and still lives in Australia.

A spokesman for Cornwall Council-apologised and said migration was a 'sad and highly emotive chapter in the country's history'.

He said: 'Modern-day practices, which are set out in legislation and overseen by the courts, would not use this as an option for children in the care of local authorities.

The council recognises that this may have been a difficult experience for some individuals, and has offered counselling and support to those affected.'

Mr Wade has been compensated by the Tasmanian government.

In November Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd apologised to people abused or neglected while they were in state care.( )


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