Suddenly the whole precarious edifice of childcare you've paintstakingly built up comes crumbling down around your feet. So what are your options?
Call in the reinforcements:
It's vital for parents to have a network of emergency carers they can call upon if necessary. Ideally that would include relatives, but more normally these days it's other parents whom your child knows and with whom you have a reciprocal arrangement for just these sorts of situations.
Work out a strategy with your partner before the emergency:
A situation where both partners are screeching at one another about why their job is more important and why it's essential they should not have to stay at home will do nothing to alleviate the stress caused by an ill carer. Particularly not if the partner who loses the argument spends the whole day boiling with resentment. Work out in advance which of you is more flexible and what you will do should an emergency arise. If a stalemate is reached, take turns.
Make an arrangement with your employer:
The law is pretty hazy when it comes to taking time off work to deal with a childcare emergency. New leglislation, which came into effect in December 1999, says parents have the right to take unpaid time off for dependants, as long as this is reasonable. However, there is no definition of what 'reasonable' might be. Check with your employer what his or her policy is. Also try to work out a strategy for various types of emergency. For instance, could you work from home if your child was ill?
Don't lie to your employer:
Many parents feel they will be discriminated against if they take time off because of child-related reasons so, when an emergency arises, they pretend it is they who are ill. This may work on an occasional basis but is not recommended as a long-term strategy. You will feel bad about lying to your colleagues when you return to work and, ultimately, they'll lose confidence in your integrity. Also, if the illness is drawn out, you may have to provide a sick note from your GP. Coming clean is usually the best option. Just remember, it's not your fault and you're entitled to time off. ( )
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