Bolivian President a fan of `Avatar`

Bolivian President a fan of `Avatar`
. Bolivian President Evo Morales has liked the movie ‘Avatar’, the latest film by James Cameron, and says the film plot is in line with "the fight for the protection of Mother Earth and against capitalism".

The president went to the movies for the third time in his life to see ‘Avatar’, official news agency reported, and said that despite its "heavy dose of fantasy", the film is "a profound example of resistance to capitalism and the fight for the defense of nature".

Morales, Bolivia`s first president of native origin, went to the movies with his daughter, Eva Liz, 15, and one of her cousins, and found the plot of ‘Avatar’ in line with "the fight for the protection of Mother Earth and against capitalism".

The film, which was conceived by the celebrated director of box-office hits some 15 years ago, tells the story of the planet Pandora, where invaders from Earth, local natives and avatars fight for survival.

The plot of the movie brings into conflict opposing ideas about development and co-existence with nature.

The Bolivian president had not gone to a movie theatre in years and the first time he did so was in the 1970s to see a biographical film about soccer star Pele, agency said. ( )


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