Extreme Body Modications

Extreme Body Modications - Writing this article has been one of the few things I have ever regretted in my life.

I had no idea that there were this many crazy people in the world. Usually you read something that disturbs you and it has to do with murder/religion. People doing crazy things because for some reason or another they think what they are doing is right.

This article is about extreme body modifications, what extents people will go to try to bring attention to themselves. Everything from branding themselves with irons to splitting their tongues with lasers.

If you somehow found this website because you were doing a search on body modifications I implore you to seek professional help.

10) Branding


Human Branding is exactly what it sounds like. Much like you would brand cattle/horses/donky's some people actually brand themselves. It is considered to one of the most painful body modifications. The result brand when applied with fill heat usually results in a third degree burn. Third degree burns usually destroy the nerves in the surronding areas.

9) Eyeball Tattoo

Corneal Tattoo

Eyeball tattooing has been used since the 19th century. Though it was usually used to correct defects in blind eyes, the procedure is now also used as a cosmetic procedure for emos and weird people alike. The procedure is exactly the same as a regular tattoo except that intrecant designs can not be achieved. A regular tattoo needle is used along with regular ink. The only diference is that it is used on your open eye!

8) Subdermal Implant or 3D Art Implants

3d Art Implants.

A subdermal implan is when any object is put under the skin for the purpose of changing the surface of the skin. Steve Haworth is credited with being the inventor of 3D-Art Implants or Subdermal implants. Just like regular piercings, implants can be stretched to achieve the desired results. This is especially good when the desired subdermal implant is large. If you insert it in one go the skin will break. Rather you have to insert pieces that gradually get larger so that the skin can get used to the increase in size.
I hate researching this article!

7) Scarification


Another one that much like branding, and subdermal implants actually made my stomach curl.

Scarification is when you actually pay someone to scar your body. It is as simple as it sounds you pick out a design and than have someone carve you up like a jack o' lantern. Scars are formed by cutting into the sking, it is noted that scarification is not as painful as branding and almost on the same level as tattoos.

Maybe 5 years from now this will actually be as cool as tattoos? I hope now.

6) Earlobe Stretching


Earlobe stretching is the art of slowly stretching the skin/tissue in your ear to increasing sizes. There are no gurantees that it will ever return to the normal size or close up so stretching your earlobes whilst may make you happy in the short term could also mean you end up looking like Snoopy in the long run. A person that enjoys stretching their piercings is known as a "Gauge Queen."

5) Corset Piercing

Corset Piercing

The newest trend in body modification is corset piercings. This is when you get a number of piercings arrranged on your back in two vertical columns, they are supposed to line up as if you would be wearing a corset. The number of holes are equal on each side, you can start from 2 holes on each side all the way up to however long your back is how much space you put between each piercing.

Think shoelaces for your back.

4) Tongue bifurcation/ Tongue Splitting

Tongue Splitting

Remember that kid in high school with the huge tongue? All the ladies loved him because he had that huge tongue but you never knew why? Remember the kid with the two tongues? No? That's probably because when you were a kid there were not that many emo's or people into self mutilation around.

One of the newest body modification techniques is to actually split your tongue in half. Because of the muscles in your tongue, after this happens the two pieces can actually move independently of each other.

It has now become mandatory for all fans of Marilyn Manson as well.

3) Tooth filing

This guy has horrible Gums

This is great for all the new fans of twilight that want to show their love for both kristen Stewart or Robert Patterson, what better way than to file your teeth and show them what a cool vampire you are.

2) Pointy Ears

Not Just For Zelda Anymore

This is a procedure which must be undertaken using a skilled surgeon and plastic surgery. Needless to say for a more pain-free way to do get pointy ears without having to worry about an out-patient procedure you could just speak to the guy that did Spock's ears for Star Trek. I am sure that there are alot of pointy ears at Comic Con 2009.

1) Body Suspension

Do you love me daddy?

One of the more desperate cries for help has to come from the people that undergo this body modification. Not only is it temporary it involves using your actual piercings to suspend your body in there using modified fishing hooks.

You are actually being suspended in there support by hooks connected to your flesh.
Yes, this obviously got the number one spot. ( hubpages.com )


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