The proposals are set out in Michael Gove’s Education Bill, which also gives teachers new powers to search pupils.
It will also be made easier for teachers to hand out detentions. They will no longer have to give parents 24 hours’ notice.
Teachers accused by pupils of allegations will be protected under new proposals in the Education bill (posed by model)
And heads will have the final say on expulsions – stopping independent appeals panels from forcing children back into school.
The Education Secretary said the moves are necessary to reverse the ‘out of control’ behaviour which has driven teachers from the profession.
Every school day nearly 1,000 children are suspended from school for abuse and assault. Major assaults on staff have reached a five-year high. Last year, 44 teachers were taken to hospital with serious injuries.
Unions praised the moves to protect teachers from false allegations but expressed concerns about extended search rights.
Dr Mary Bousted, of the Association of Teachers and Lecturers, said: ‘Teachers are worried that encouraging them to search pupils and confiscate items such as mobiles, weapons, drugs and cigarettes will damage their relationship with their pupils.
The Bill also sets down measures to free schools of bureaucracy by axing quangos and abolishing unnecessary form filling. Mr Gove said: ‘We’re taking action to restore discipline and reduce bureaucracy.
Teachers will be free to impose the penalties they need to keep order – and free from the red tape which swallows up teaching time. So they can get on with their first duty – raising standards.’
Today’s Bill also includes a clause that could see the middle classes bearing the brunt of the rise in tuition fees to £9,000 a year. ( )
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