Kanye West is a sexy lingerie model with feathers

Kanye West is a sexy lingerie model with feathers -Kanye West's 'Runaway' music video stars Victoria's Secret model Selita Ebanks as semi-nude phoenix

At least that's how he portrays himself in his new music video, "Runaway," a 30-minute hit-you-over-the-head parable about rebirth in response to last year's VMA incident with Taylor Swift.

In West's directorial debut -- a beautiful if sterile nod to a typical fashion magazine photo spread -- Victoria's Secret model Selita Ebanks plays a phoenix that falls to Earth in a ball of flame.

According to ew.com, West has said the phoenix's crash parallels the crash of his career after he bogarted the mic from Taylor Swift at the MTV Video Music Awards in 2009.

"The next day I wake up and people are saying, 'die n-gga die,' only cause you tried to make a change," the singer said at "Runaway's" New York premiere, according to JustJared.com. "I lost my tour, I lost my clothing line, my mother passed. Even this film was shot down, but we're rockstars– f--- your opinion."

Opening with a brief bit of spoken word poetry written by Hype Williams, the video revolves around West's attempt to civilize the mythological creature that is destined to go through an endless cycle of death and rebirth.

The phoenix wakes up in West's swank glass house to a news report on television describing her fall from the sky. West sneaks up out of nowhere and switches off the TV.

"First rule in this world, baby, don't pay attention to anything you see in the news," he says in one of the video's many glaring swipe at his critics.

Selita Ebanks flies away at the end of 'Runaway.' (UMG)

West is then seen trying to integrate the mythological creature into his everyday life -- as no less than nine songs from "My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy" provide the musical backdrop -- with little success. Towards the end of the film, the phoenix explains that she has to return to her normal cycle.

"You know what I hate about your world?" she tells West's character. "Anything that is different you try to change, you try to tear it down."

Kanye West's 'Runaway' music video/short film stars Selita Ebanks as a phoenix who falls to earth. WATCH VIDEO below.
Kanye West's 'Runaway' music video/short film stars Selita Ebanks as a phoenix who falls to earth. WATCH VIDEO below.

Of course, before she leaves, the duo has a highly choreographed sex scene, obscured by strategically placed shadows and edits, which hark back to the rapper's supposed banned cover art for his next album.

Last week, West claimed that the artwork for his fifth album, which showed a phoenix straddling the naked rapper, was "banned in the USA!!!"

"They don't want me chilling on the couch with my phoenix!" he tweeted.

Wal-Mart later denied they had even seen the images and the Los Angeles Times reported his label, Universal Music Group, strongly urged him to change the album, but never banned it.

"My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy" is scheduled for release on Nov. 22.


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