Here are 11 facts that just might surprise you

Here are 11 facts that just might surprise you - The speed of sperm. The science of sex. The principles of good performance. It’s funny, for all we know and talk about sex, there is so much that we don’t know and that we rarely, if ever, talk about.

That might be because it’s hard to get a grasp on the truth when it comes to all things sex, since, when asked, many people lie out of embarrassment. Still, there are some interesting tidbits out there that most have come to agree upon and they make for very interesting conversation.

Who knew?

Here are 11 facts that just might surprise you:

1. When it comes to online porn, men are 6 times more likely than women to seek it out.

Why? Likely because men are more stimulated by the visual whereas women often prefer erotica where their imagination can fill in the blanks.

2. If getting down involves being tied up, the man is most often the one bound.

Why? Studies say that it’s because men spend most of the time needing to be the ones in control. So, relinquishing that control is the turn on.

3. According to Alfred Kinsey’s “Sexual Behavior in the Human Male,” 81 percent of men say they have experienced nocturnal emissions.

Why? That’s an easy one. Men dream about sex. Women do as well. There are just fewer statistics on the subject because, according to Planned Parenthood, there is less “evidence” to research. (This lack of “evidence” may also be why research tells us that men average 11 erections a day and nine per night. But we don’t have comparable stats for women).

4. The most popular flavor of edible underwear is cherry. The least popular is chocolate.

Why? This one has me stumped too. Personal preference, I suppose. But a survey of sex shop owners came up with this little factoid. And they certainly would be the experts on that count.

5. According to the books, in Fairbanks, Alaska, it’s illegal for moose to have sex on the city sidewalks.

Why? It’s dangerous to passersby, as you can imagine. The problem is enforcement, as you can also imagine.

6. Having sex can make a woman look younger and more attractive.

Why? The experts agree: When a woman has sex, she produces amounts of the hormone estrogen, which gives a shine to the hair and a smoothness to the skin. Increased blood flow means a flush of the cheek and even a pout of the lips. And because sex also increases the production of collagen, having sex can ward off age spots and sagging. Some even call sex the real fountain of youth.

7. You could say healthy sperm is a hard core athlete with serious staying power. It takes a sperm one hour to swim seven inches. Although ejaculate travels at 28 miles per hour during its initial spurt. (For reference, 27.1 mph is the world record for the 100 yard dash).

Why? To get the job done, of course. Sperm are on a mission to fertilize, so the heartier the better. Not to mention the more the merrier. Did you know that studies show that throughout a man’s lifetime he will ejaculate approximately 18 quarts of semen. (That’s half a trillion sperm.)

8. Having a Ph.D. makes a woman twice as likely to be interested in a one-night stand as her Bachelor degree holding counterparts.

Why? Well, some argue it’s because she’s not worried about him ever buying the cow, if you follow the metaphor. A woman with a Ph.D. doesn’t need to use her milk to get a man in order to support herself, she’s got a degree to help her make the big bucks. So, sex can be about pleasure for women in the same way in can for men.

9. Fourteen percent of men and 60 percent of women say they did not enjoy sex the first time.

Why? Well, the disparity likely comes from the fact that women have historically and unnecessarily felt guilty about having sex for the first time, a feeling most men do not have. It is also a result of women not knowing what to expect since the topic of sex was, for a long time, concerned improper for women. Then there’s the issue of not having a partner who is able to please her since the old in and out doesn’t work for a woman the way it does for a man.

10. More women talk dirty during sex than men, according to Playboy Magazine.

Why? Women like the auditory simulation much like men like the visual. Studies show that women find pleasure in talking dirty and doing it inspires their partner to do the same, which they also find arousing.

11. Although no one can agree on an exact number, a noteworthy percentage of women have said, when surveyed, that they prefer chocolate to sex.

Why? Research has shown that the same chemical that causes the ecstatic highs in sex, phenylethylamine, is also found in chocolate. And eating chocolate as opposed to having sex means, as the saying goes never having to say you’re sorry…

We may never have the complete picture when it comes to sex. That is, unless truth serum becomes a mandatory cocktail. Until then, it’s interesting to consider the facts and figures we can gather about the one thing that we all seem to know both everything and nothing about. ( )


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