Seven Things You Should Never Do In a Job Search

Seven Things You Should Never Do In a Job Search. Are you inadvertently sabotaging your job search? No matter how skilled or experienced you are, a few easy-to-make mistakes can get in your way.

A single typo on your résumé, for example, may cause hiring managers to question your professionalism and attention to detail, undermining your many professional accomplishments. Put simply, even one wrong move can cancel out all the right ones you've made.

Here are seven common job search mistakes and how to avoid them:

1. Keeping your search to yourself

If no one knows you're looking for a new job, you may inadvertently be extending the length of your search. Talking with your family, friends and acquaintances is one of the best ways to identify new professional contacts and learn about job openings, even those that aren't advertised.

Professional networking Web sites, such as LinkedIn or BrightFuse, are also good avenues. In fact, 62 percent of executives interviewed by Robert Half International believe professional networking Web sites will prove useful in the search for job candidates in the next three years. Moreover, 35 percent of respondents cited social networking sites -- such as Facebook or MySpace -- as recruiting resources they plan to tap. Remember that the larger your network, the more job openings you will hear about.

2. Not doing your research

More than three-quarters of executives polled by RHI said job candidates they meet with display at least some knowledge of the company or industry. If you're not part of this majority, you're doing yourself a disservice.

Applicants who uncover beyond-the-basics knowledge of the job and company are better able to communicate specific ways they can contribute to the organization's success. Peruse corporate Web sites, trade publications and local business journals, and check in with members of your network to gain insights into the firm's challenges, opportunities, culture and values.

3. Flooding the market with an untargeted résumé

Online job boards have made it easy for applicants to apply for a position with the simple click of the mouse. But don't blindly blast your résumé to every company you come across. Hiring managers seek tailored résumés that tie a job seeker's unique skills and abilities to the requirements of the position. Take the extra time and effort to customize your application materials to each opportunity; any information you gathered during your research can prove particularly valuable here.

4. Neglecting the cover letter

Not including a cover letter with your résumé -- even when you've applied for a job online -- is passing up an opportunity to market your skills. In a survey by RHI, 86 percent of executives said cover letters are valuable when evaluating job candidates. A cover letter allows you to explain in greater detail the specific ways in which your expertise can benefit the firm.

5. Failing to proofread

Be mindful of spelling and grammar in your résumé and cover letter. Eighty-four percent of executives surveyed said it takes just one or two typographical errors to remove a candidate from consideration for a job opening.

Make sure all of your written communications with a potential employer, including e-mails and thank-you notes, are error free. To avoid this mistake, consider asking a detail-oriented friend to review your job search materials before submitting them.

6. Searching on your employer's time

If you are employed, it can be tempting to surf the Web for job openings at work. But doing so can quickly land you in hot water. Many companies monitor employees' Web use and, if your boss discovers you're using work hours to search for a new opportunity, you can jeopardize your job. Any activity related to your job search, including scheduling interviews and completing application materials, should be completed on your own time.

7. Failing to follow up with hiring managers

If you've applied for a job and haven't heard back, it's foolish to assume the position has been filled or you are not right for the role. Your résumé may simply have gotten lost in the flood of other applications.

Eighty-two percent of executives surveyed said candidates should contact hiring managers -- whether by e-mail, a phone call or a personalized letter -- within two weeks of submitting a résumé.

One final word of caution: An extended job search can put pressure on you to accept any offer that comes your way, but do your best to avoid taking a position that may cause more heartache than happiness. You may have to accept a less-than-perfect role in certain situations, but don't feel guilty holding out for a position with maximum appeal if you have the financial means to do so. ( )


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