Check your tongue

Check your tongue. Doctors may look at our tongues to get a rough idea of our general health, but to the practioner of Chinese medicine, the tongue is as useful an instrument as the stethoscope for observing imbalances and, hopefully, averting ill-health.

Chinese medical physician Stefan Chmelik explains: 'Many parts of the body are said to be a microcosm of the whole - meaning that the whole body is reflected in the part. This is especially true of the tongue.

'So inspecting the tongue gives a measure of your current health by indicating areas of the body that could have what are known as yin/yang imbalances - yin is cooling, nourishing and moisturising, yang is warming, moving and activating. It can also indicate problems with chi - energy - within the body.

'Observation of your own tongue can be a useful way of knowing when to take action to avert a more serious problem occurring.

'Look at your tongue in sections. The front section represents the chest, the mid-section represents the abdomen and solar plexus (part of the nervous system, behind the stomach), and the back section represents the lower abdomen/lumbar region.

'Variations from normal - as described below - in any of these areas points to an actual or potential disharmony in that area. If the whole tongue is affected, this may be a sign of general ill-health. The "normal" tongue is pink, moist, a uniform flat shape and without thick coating, lines or spots.'

Common signs of inbalances

Colour: Red indicates heat. There could be inflammation or dehydration in the specific area. Drinking more water - at least eight large glasses a day - should help.

Pale indicates a lack of energy or blood deficiency, perhaps lack of iron or certain vitamins. Try a daily multivitamin and mineral supplement and eat more fruit and vegetables.

Purple indicates poor circulation of energy or blood. Try exercising more regularly - walking briskly for half an hour a day is recommended for everyone

Coating: The coatings of the tongue arise from various toxins that are present in the body. The thicker the coating, the greater the level of accumulation.

White: Phlegm or toxins due to an excess intake of what the Chinese call 'cold' foods, such as dairy products, wheat and fruit.

Yellow: Phlegm or toxins due to an excess intake of 'hot' foods, such as curries, sugar, alcohol or coffee. Try drinking pure fruit juices, cutting down on alcohol, coffee, tea and colas, spices and foods with refined sugars. Avoid dairy foods.

Grey: Possible phlegm accumulation from perhaps a cold or flu virus. Cut down on dairy products. Peeled patches: Moisture deficiency in the specific area. Drink more water and fruit juice.

Swollen: The tongue swells when there is too much fluid accumulating in the area of the body indicated. Take more fluids (water or fruit juices) to try to flush out the system.

Thin: Dehydration in the area indicated. Try drinking more water.

Tooth marked or scalloped edges: Congestion of the lymphatic system. Lymphatic drainage therapy may help.

Cracks: Cracking and dryness of the tongue can look like a dried-out riverbed pattern and indicates dehydration. Cracks at the centre indicate digestive problems.

Cracks at the tip indicate emotional or stress related problems. Listening to relaxation tapes can calm you down. ( )


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