Danger of children brushing teeth too much

Danger of children brushing teeth too much. Children should not brush their teeth after every meal because they could be doing more harm than good, according to experts.

More than three-quarters (79%) of dental professionals are seeing more acid erosion on children's teeth on a weekly basis than ever before, according to new research.And more than half (53 per cent) of five year olds have some form of the problem which is caused by acid in food and drink rotting away the enamel of the tooth

Danger of children brushing teeth too much
Careful: Dentists have warned that children should not brush their teeth after every meal as it may be doing more harm than good Photo: PHILIP HOLLIS

Professor Jimmy Steele of the School of Dental Sciences at The University of Newcastle analysed the results of the study.

He said: "Adult teeth generally start to appear when children are six years-old and need to last a lifetime, so protection from an early age is key.

"Encourage them to drink acid drinks with a straw placed towards the back of the mouth away from teeth.

"And encourage children to avoid brushing their teeth immediately after consuming acidic food or drinks as this is when the enamel is at its softest - it's best to wait as long as possible after an acidic meal or brush beforehand."

The main cause of acid erosion is drinks, not only fizzy ones but those containing fruit are high in acid.

According to the research even eating an orange and sucking out the juice from segments is bad for erosion.

The data, compiled by Sensodyne, a toothpaste producer, came from 214 dental professionals and 1,964 parents, of children aged six to 10.

The research found that more than nine in ten (93 per cent) of parents are not aware of which types of food and drink contain acid and almost six in ten parents (58 per cent) say their children smother food in sauces or dressings, most not realising this is a major cause of acid erosion.

Dr Peter Huntley, an orthodontic specialist, said: "It's a huge problem for the future, acidity in drinks is damaging the enamel, but its not well publicised and there should be a warnings issued." ( telegraph.co.uk )


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